Ioka and Laruba: The Tribes of 65 Million B.C. [Book 2, Chapter 5]

Episode 5 May 14, 2020 00:27:25
Ioka and Laruba: The Tribes of 65 Million B.C. [Book 2, Chapter 5]
The Zeal Archives
Ioka and Laruba: The Tribes of 65 Million B.C. [Book 2, Chapter 5]

May 14 2020 | 00:27:25


Show Notes

It’s a hop, skip, and a jump from the Proto Dome to the Keeper’s Dome… if you don’t mind the Sewers, that is. As they make their journey to hopefully discover Balthazar’s lab, the trio encounters a bit of dimensional interference, and the recurrence of a strange voice. Is all well in the world of Chrono Trigger, or is everything starting to unravel? T and G discuss: * The different tribes of 65 000 000 BC! At least two different mysterious groups of humans, and the dinomen… er, Reptites? * Speaking of Tribes, do the Laruba end up becoming the enlightened ones?! Ruling the skies and the earthbound ones below? Is it some sort of self-fulfilling time loop!? * Why dinosaur times? Was it really that good, in the context of the game? Was 65 000 000 BC all that it could have been? ## Where to find us The Zeal Archives is a [Nickscast]( production and can be found wherever fine podcasts are listened to, or at the source at []( For news and other updates about the podcast, you can follow us on [Twitter]( or [Facebook]( @zealarchives For more about the hosts, Nick T and Nick G, check out [the Nickscast]( on [Twitter](, [Facebook](, [Instagram](, or [YouTube](, all @thenickscast. ## Special Announcement: Livestream for the Cure 4 The 4th Annual Livestream for the Cure (or the Livestream 4 the Cure?) has been scheduled for FORTY-EIGHT HOURS from May 28th thru the 31st, with a small four hour kick-off event scheduled for the evening before to do final tests (and hopefully wrangle in some amazing guests). This year we’ll be pushing to raise $10,000 for the Cancer Research Institute, and if all of that gets doubled, we stand a very good chance of raising over $20,000 for cancer research. Hitting last year’s goal on day TWO meant that, unfortunately, donations slowed to a trickle for the entirety of day three, so if we happen to hit our goal before the end this year, we’ll be raising the bar by $1,000 every time we hit it and offering additional prizes for people won donate to these flex goals! As in years past, the event will be LIVE on Twitch, so be sure to head to []( and give us a follow! We’ll be going live with streams and other events where we’ll be mentioning L4TC all the way up until the event begins the evening of May 27th. More details available at []( ## Cast * Nick Green as (Nick) G and himself * Nick Terwoord as (Nick) T, Robo and himself * Nick Zacharewicz as Gaspar * [SMZeldaRules]( as ????? ## Credits **Production Credits** Editing, scripting, and podcast visual design by Nick Terwoord. And an extra special thanks to Square Enix for making that game that we love, Chrono Trigger ...and for not suing us. **Music Credits** [00:00] Opening Music: [Subterranean Opus]( by [zircon]( from []( used under [ content policy]( [02:45] Intro: [Inception]( by [The ARTISANS Beats]( used under [Jamendo’s standard license](

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