Yakra: 13 Generations of Vengeance [Book 1, Chapter 4]

Episode 4 June 08, 2019 00:22:24
Yakra: 13 Generations of Vengeance [Book 1, Chapter 4]
The Zeal Archives
Yakra: 13 Generations of Vengeance [Book 1, Chapter 4]

Jun 08 2019 | 00:22:24


Show Notes

The discovery of a Guardian hairpin leads to new possibilities with the mostly inert (and seemingly multiplying) time gates. After some experiments, the trail goes cold again and the Nicks trace back to where the pin was found in the first place: a record of the villian from the middle ages, Yakra! T and G discuss: * The nature of Yakra. Is he (she? they? it?) a fiend? A shapeshifter like Flea and Spekkio? Or something more sinister… like some spawn of Lavos?! * Tips to beat Yakra quickly (or at least to avoid taking damage). Did you know Yakra counterattacks if you are far away? Now you know! * Their own experiences beating Yakra for the first time, and exploring the Manolia Cathedral in the world of Chrono Trigger ## What is “the Race Against Time”? The Race Against Time is an annual charity livestreaming marathon run by [the Nickscast](https://thenickscast.com) where we get as many endings as possible in Chrono Trigger to raise money [for the Alzheimer Society of Canada](https://alzheimer.ca/)! This year’s event will be August 10 and 11th from noon until midnight each day. We hope to outdo all of our previous records and raise $1500 CAD. For more details on the event, you can check out the main website at [raceagainsttime.io](https://raceagainsttime.io), [our Twitch page](https://twitch.tv/theraceagainsttime) where we host the stream, or you can follow us on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/raceagainstio) or [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/raceagainsttimeio) for news about guests, giveaways, and other special surprises! Heck, you can even [donate right now](https://raceagainsttime.io/donate)! ## Where to find us The Zeal Archives is a [Nickscast](https://thenickscast.com) production and can be found wherever fine podcasts are listened to, or at the source at [zealarchives.com](https://zealarchives.com) For news and other updates about the podcast, you can follow us on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/zealarchives) or [Facebook](https://facebook.com/zealarchives) @zealarchives For more about the hosts, Nick T and Nick G, check out [the Nickscast](https://thenickscast.com) on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/thenickscast), [Facebook](https://facebook.com/thenickscast), [Instagram](https://instagram.com/thenickscast), or [YouTube](https://youtube.com/thenickscast), all @thenickscast. ## Cast * Nick Green as (Nick) G and himself * Nick Terwoord as (Nick) T and himself * Nick Zacharewicz as Gaspar, the Guru of Time * [SMZeldaRules](https://smzeldarules.carrd.co/) as Lucca ## Credits **Production Credits** Editing, scripting, and podcast visual design by Nick Terwoord. Special thanks to [SMZeldaRules](https://smzeldarules.carrd.co/) for providing the voice of Lucca in the Race Against Time promo, Nick Zacharewicz for voicing Gaspar, Nick Green for making the production schedule work for both of us, and LuluRushCosplay for being patient with the podcast hosts! And an extra special thanks to Square Enix for making that game that we love, Chrono Trigger ...and for not suing us. **Music Credits** [01:11] Intro: [Inception](https://www.jamendo.com/track/1208449/inception) by [The ARTISANS Beats](https://www.jamendo.com/artist/464776/the-artisans-beats) used under [Jamendo’s standard license](https://help-licensing.jamendo.com/hc/en-us/articles/211293289-What-can-I-do-with-a-Standard-License-) [19:00] Outro: [Wind Scene Concert Paraphrase](https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01610) by [zohar](https://ocremix.org/artist/4747/zohar) from [http://ocremix.org](http://ocremix.org) used under [ocremix.org content policy](http://ocremix.org/info/Content_Policy#If_you.27re_using_our_content_elsewhere_.28.22Terms_of_Use.22.29%E2%80%A6) [20:24] Social media music: [Inception](https://www.jamendo.com/track/1208449/inception) by [The ARTISANS Beats](https://www.jamendo.com/artist/464776/the-artisans-beats) used under [Jamendo’s standard license](https://help-licensing.jamendo.com/hc/en-us/articles/211293289-What-can-I-do-with-a-Standard-License-) [20:56] Race Against Time promotional music: [Temporal Distortion](https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00789) by [Star Salzman](https://ocremix.org/artist/4403/star-salzman) from [http://ocremix.org](http://ocremix.org) used under [ocremix.org content policy](http://ocremix.org/info/Content_Policy#If_you.27re_using_our_content_elsewhere_.28.22Terms_of_Use.22.29%E2%80%A6)

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